Going Rogue!

Awesome! The voice of a vibrant true American extolling the faithful and proven values of the Land of the Free!  A message that all Americans should hear… THE book for the hour! Go Rogue!

In this book, Sarah Palin tells it like it is (and like it was).  In it she reveals some of the weaknesses of the political system. She, Gov. Palin, seems to hold strongly to the thought that “truth is not just the best policy, but rather the only policy. It’s enjoyable and interesting reading even though it gets “heavy” at times.

Many of the issues discussed are of vital importance today.  Just a few which are noted:

1.   What is happening to entrepreneurial desire and how to correct it.

2.   Economic prosperity can’t be purchased, especially with borrowed money.

3.   Backdoor politics alludes to coverup and allusion.

4.   Dealing with emerging issues is the only way to prosper politically.

5.  Criticism is often proper, but condemning based on supposition and hearsay is just  ignorance on display.

6.  The values upon which America was founded are still good enough for today, and don’t require fixing.

For what it’s worth, I think you should read it, whether you be conservative or liberal.

Please comment.


Tom Simmons

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